Modellers days

Data publikacji: 2015-06-22 10:59:56

Modellers days

„Wielkopolska Aerospace Cluster” invite you now to visit the VII Kalisz Modellers Days on September!

This year, the seventh edition will take place in the "Hall Arena Kalisz" on 19-20 of September.

The modellers, hobbyists and collectors from all over Poland will present the fruits of their passion.

Traditionally, there will be history buffs, military weapons, aviation models, armoured vehicles, railways, boatbuilding, fantasy, radio- controlled miniatures and antique vehicles.

Very actively working in Kalisz Modellers RC (radio-controlled models) will present their impressive achievements on a specially prepared track. There also will be swimming units in a specially prepared pool.

The aim of the event is to promote aviation and aerospace industry, to present the achievements of modelling and collector, the promotion of technical knowledge as well as historical and respect for culture and local traditions.

Here are some pictures from last year's edition